About Me

About me

I would like to share a bit about my journey to becoming and modern-day Shamanic Practitioner/Energy Medicine Healer. I have always known that I am a 'healer'. That I am 'of the earth'. I didn't have any more substance than this basic 'knowing'. Eventually I began looking for a deeper connection with God, Spirit, The Universe, The Source; The Great Spirit who is known by a thousand names but has no name. This search drew me to Catholicism as it is an old broken religion which reminded me of the race of humanity. I was also drawn to the ceremonies and rituals that permeate this religion. As I was studying Catholicism, I was also entering the nursing profession. During my prerequisite studies I took a class called World Religions. I read about early Shamans and instantly felt an inner pull which I promptly ignored. For many years I ignored this pull, this call.

Elk in the forest

I had many signs that Spirit was present in my life. For example, one day I was stomping my pain out along a logging road and a elk cow stepped out directly in my path. She stood looking at me for several minutes before slowly moving off. The message I received was one of strength and that like an elk cow, I too could care for my children and myself without the assistance of a mate. Another time, I was out walking along a trail and felt drawn to rest my forehead against a tall fir tree. I literally was not able to move from that spot for about fifteen minutes. I stood there feeling the life energy radiating from the tree into myself. It felt like warm loving energy. These moments each left me feeling curious. My life was too busy, I was deeply involved with raising children and working, there was little time for myself or for my personal healing, so I continued to ignore the call from Spirit.


Then about four or five years ago, I answered Spirit's call and began studying with The Four Winds Society. I have completed several courses with them and continue my studies. I am now a Munay-Ki Practitioner and Shamanic Practitioner. I have recently completed my Munay-Ki teaching course as well. I am ready to move forward with my calling to walk beside others on their personal healing paths.

What does that mean, "walking beside others on their personal healing paths?" Each person is responsible for their own healing and must do the work. As a shamanic practitioner I possess tools/practices that speed along the healing process. What are these tools?

I am certain that after reading my 'about me' you have many questions that I didn't answer.


That is ok. To those unfamiliar to this form of healing it will be easier to answer questions one on one. I will happily provide a short approximately fifteen-minute initial session to get to know one another and answer questions. At this time my sessions will all be remote on Pacific Standard Time as I live in the United States, Oregon. To request an appointment please visit my scheduling page.

Energy Exchange (fees):

With Much Munay,


Ebony Princess Shamanic Practitioner

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